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  • How does it work to book event technology to hire?
    You book by filling in the contact form, calling or emailing us. Please let us know which date you wish to rent the equipment and clearly what you want to rent. You can find the online rental in the menu, sorted in the drop-down menu. We prefer if you book at least two days in advance, but if time is short, we will of course do our best to assist you with help. After you have sent a booking request, we will get back as quickly as we can with a booking confirmation with suggestions for pick-up and return times and our address.
  • Can you transport and install/disassemble the equipment as well?
    We offer transport, installation and dismantling of all equipment that we rent out. Installation takes place in a neat and tidy manner. We dislike the sight of cables carelessly hanging loose and giving a messy impression. Within Malmö, the price for transport, installation and dismantling starts at SEK 1800 for sound and lightning systems. If transport, installation and disassembly is desired, please include this in the booking request, as well as location, and we will get back with a price proposal.
  • How old do I have to be to rent event technology?
    The lessee must be at least 20 years old and show identification when picking up equipment.
  • What happens if something breaks or is stolen?
    A rental agreement is drawn up when equipment is handed over. The person who has signed the rental agreement bears full responsibility for the equipment during the rental period. Like the majority of similar companies in the industry, we do not offer any insurance options. It is your insurance that should cover possible theft and if something breaks (not manufacturing defects). If the thief is there, we charge the full purchase price. If something breaks, we charge the purchase price for any spare part and SEK 650 per hour for the repair work. Typically, home or business insurance covers damaged or lost equipment
  • How do I pay?
    Invoice: Advance invoice for individuals and 30 days net for companies and government institutions. A credit check can be carried out. Card: Card payment at the time of delivery can be applied to orders under SEK 5 000 (including 25% VAT).
  • Hur ser bokningsvilkoren ut?
    Vid avbeställning inom 15 dagar före evenemanget/ hyrestillfället äger Palm Event AB rätt att debitera hyrestagaren hela hyreskostnaden/ den totala summan för tjänsten/ bokad produkt(er). Vid avbeställning som sker minst 15 dagar före hyrestillfället/ evenemangsdagen äger Palm Event AB rätt att debitera hyrestagaren 40% av hyreskostnaden/ den totala summan.
  • If, for example, we want to book a complete solution with a DJ and sound and lighting equipment, how does the practicality work during the day of the event?
    We are usually on site at least 2.5 hours before the guests arrive. All equipment is mounted in a neat and tidy manner. With a good margin of time, we have time to do a sound check and talk to any toastmasters, hosts, hostesses and other suppliers on site.
  • You are located in Malmö. Do you work and play in, for example, Stockholm and Gothenburg as well?
    We do jobs throughout Sweden and in the Copenhagen area. If you wish to book the entertainment for your event through us, please keep in mind that, for example, a gig in Stockholm requires us to drive up the night before the event.
  • How far in advance do you have to book entertainment?
    If you wish to book entertainment on a Saturday during the period June to September, we recommend that you book well in advance, preferably at least 6 months before to be on the safe side. If you're running late, don't hesitate to get in touch anyway!
  • How do I pay?
    Payment is by invoice with a 15-day due date for private individuals and 30 days net for companies and government institutions. A credit check can be carried out.
  • What do the cancellation conditions look like?
    Conditions for cancellation later than: 1) 90 days before the day when the event takes place, 20% of the total price is charged. 2) 50 days before the day when the event takes place, 40% of the total price is charged. 3) 30 days before the day when the event takes place, 70% of the total price is charged. 4) 15 days before the day when the event takes place, the full total price is charged.
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